HomePremium Customer GuideCommon TasksHow to Combine SDS to Create an SDS Backup File

1.8. How to Combine SDS to Create an SDS Backup File

NOTE: The following workflow assumes that you are logged in to your Online-SDS account with Administrator privileges.

Although your company is using Online-SDS to get away from physical paper SDS books, you may still have a need to maintain a physical SDS book. Within your Online-SDS account, you can create PDF files that combine multiple SDS into one file and then print that PDF so that you have a physical copy of the SDS.

  1. The first step in this process is to determine which SDS within your Online-SDS account that you want to combine. For this example we will be selecting all SDS within one binder location to create the PDF file.
    To begin, we will perform an SDS search from the Home Page for the binder for which we wish to create the PDF.

  2. After clicking the Search for SDS button on the Home Page, you will be directed to a page that lists all of the SDS contained within the binder you chose. On this page, you will want to click the link to Add All to Queue.

  3. After you have added all SDS to the Queue, select Combine SDS from the Queue Action dropdown menu.
    Click the Go button.

  4. On the next page, enter your email address and select the options for your PDF file.
    Click the Combine SDSs button.
  5. Next, you will see your Request Number along with a link to check the status of your request.
    You will also receive an email once the system finishes building the PDF file.
  6. If you ever need to check the status of your request later, you can also do so from the Home Page by clicking the link to Check Combine SDS request.



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